What Problems Can
Repair Fix?
Serviciile de inlocuire ecran sunt rapide si deloc scumpe
Vom efectua un diagnostic pentru a determina amploarea daunei.
Este posibil sa ai nevoie de noi
Situatii neplacute fara internet
Tastatura partial functionala sau defecta
Inlocuire rapida si profesionala a bateriilor
We Can Fix It!
Our prices for iPhone repairs are competitive with anyone in the city. We repair cracked screens for all models of iPhones and repair broken buttons, speakers and cameras as well. Cracked screen on your new iPhone? We fix that.
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Running out of storage space? One of the ways to free up storage space is not to keep the normal photos with the HDR function on your iPhone.
Are you planning to sell your iPhone? If yes, then read on to find out what you should do before you sell your Apple Smartphone. There is not just one thing you need to do before selling.